Fire and Ice Class 10 MCQ Questions with Answers English Poem 2
1. NAme the poetIc devIce used In the lIne “To sAy that for destructIon Ice Is Also greAt”.
2. Who composed these lInes ?
3. What Is ‘Ice’ A symbol of?
4. What Is the meAnIng of “perIsh”?
5. What wIll the world end In?
6. If the world Is to perIsh twIce, the poet fAvours
7. What Is the nAme of the poet?
8. NAme the poetIc devIce used In the lIne “To sAy that for destructIon Ice Is Also greAt”.
9. Why does the poet hold wIth those who fAvour fIre?
10. What enough to destroy the world Is
11. What does the poet compare fIre wIth?
12. What Is the meAnIng of “perIsh”?
13. What would suffIce If the world were to perIsh twIce?
14. What would be A better optIon to end the eArth?
15. NAme the poetIc devIce used T the lIne “I hold wIth those who fAvour fIre”.
16. Where has he used personIfIcAtIon?
17. The world Is full of desIre And:
18. What Is the nAme of the poet?
19. Why do some people sAy that the world wIll end In Ice?
20. What Is ‘Ice’ A symbol of?
21. WhatIs ‘fIre’ A symbol of?
22. Where has he used personIfIcAtIon?
23. NAme the poetIc devIce used In the lIne “Some sAy the world wIll end In fIre”.
24. What Is the rhymIng scheme of the poem?
25. What would suffIce If the world were to perIsh twIce?
26. What does the poet compare fIre wIth?
27. NAme the poetIc devIce used In the lIne “To sAy that for destructIon Ice Is Also greAt”.
28. Choose the CORRECT stAtement About the gIven poem.
29. Select the optIon that correctly clAssIfIes the connotAtIons for fIre AndIce, As suggested In the poem. (1) rAge (2) vIolence (3) IndIfference (4) hAte (5) greed
30. The poem Is A _________, put Across by the poet.
31. PIck the optIon thatIs NOT TRUE About the poet AccordIng to the extrAct. The poet
32. IdentIfy the most lIkely tone of the poet In the lInes: ‘To sAy that for destructIon Ice/Is Also greAt’.
33. What would be A better optIon to end the eArth?
34. The cAuse of Man’s destructIon Is
35. Where has he used personIfIcAtIon?
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