Syllabus Class 12 CBSE 2024 25 | Reduced Syllabus Class 12 CBSE 2024-25 | New Syllabus of 12th Class CBSE Board 2024-25 Hindi



 Syllabus + Reduced Syllabus Class 12 Hindi CBSE 2024-25 


 CBSE Class 12 Hindi Reduced Syllabus 2024-25 


12th काव्य-खण्ड (आरोह-2)

5. सहर्ष स्वीकारा है 12th

9. गज़ल 12th (Only 2nd Part)



12th गद्य-खण्ड (आरोह-2)

15. चार्ली चैप्लिन यानी हम सब 12th

16. नमक 12th



वितान -2

4. डायरी के पन्ने 12th


 अभिव्यक्ति और माध्यम (12th) 

6. कैसे बनती हैं कविता 12th

7. नाटक लिखने का व्याकरण 12th

8. कैसे लिखें कहानी 12th



 CBSE Class 12 Hindi Syllabus 2024-25 




 12th काव्य-खण्ड (आरोह-2) 

1. आत्मपरिचय, दिन जल्दी-जल्दी ढलता है (एक गीत) 12th

👉 (Line by Line Explanation) Video आत्मपरिचय

👉 (Line by Line Explanation) Video एक गीत

👉 (Line by Line Explanation) Written

👉 (Exercise Questions)

👉 (Important Questions)

👉 (MCQ) Video

👉 (MCQ) Written Test

👉 (पठित काव्यांश)

👉 (काव्य-सौंदर्य / शिल्प-सौंदर्य)

2. पतंग 12th

👉 (Line by Line Explanation) Video

👉 (Line by Line Explanation) Written

👉 (Exercise Questions) 

👉 (Important Questions)

👉 (MCQ) Video 

👉 (MCQ) Written Test

👉 (पठित काव्यांश)

👉 (काव्य-सौंदर्य / शिल्प-सौंदर्य)

3. कविता के बहाने, बात सीधी थी पर 12th

👉 (Line by Line Explanation) Video कविता के बहाने

👉 (Line by Line Explanation) Video बात सीधी थी पर

👉 (Line by Line Explanation) Written

👉 (Exercise Questions)

👉 (Important Questions)

👉 (MCQ) Video

👉 (MCQ) Written Test

👉 (पठित काव्यांश)

👉 (काव्य-सौंदर्य / शिल्प-सौंदर्य)

4. कैमरे में बंद अपाहिज 12th

👉 (Line by Line Explanation) Video

👉 (Line by Line Explanation) Written

👉 (Exercise Questions)

👉 (Important Questions)

👉 (MCQ) Video

👉 (MCQ) Written Test

👉 (पठित काव्यांश)

👉 (काव्य-सौंदर्य / शिल्प-सौंदर्य)

आपकी स्टडी से संबंधित और क्या चाहते हो? ... कमेंट करना मत भूलना...!!!

6. उषा 12th

👉 (Line by Line Explanation) Video

👉 (Line by Line Explanation) Written 

👉 (Exercise Questions)

👉 (Important Questions)

👉 (MCQ) Video

👉 (MCQ) Written Test

👉 (पठित काव्यांश)

👉 (काव्य-सौंदर्य / शिल्प-सौंदर्य)

7. बादल राग 12th

👉 (Line by Line Explanation) Video

👉 (Line by Line Explanation) Written 

👉 (Exercise Questions)

👉 (Important Questions)

👉 (MCQ) Video

👉 (MCQ) Written Test

👉 (पठित काव्यांश)

👉 (काव्य-सौंदर्य / शिल्प-सौंदर्य)

8. कवितावली, लक्ष्मण-मूर्च्छा और राम का विलाप 12th

👉 (Line by Line Explanation) Video कवितावली

👉 (Line by Line Explanation) Video लक्ष्मण-मूर्च्छा

👉 (Line by Line Explanation) Written

👉 (Exercise Questions)

👉 (Important Questions)

👉 (MCQ) Video

👉 (MCQ) Written Test

👉 (पठित काव्यांश)

👉 (काव्य-सौंदर्य / शिल्प-सौंदर्य)

9. रुबाइयाँ 12th

👉 (Line by Line Explanation) Video

👉 (Line by Line Explanation) Written

👉 (Exercise Questions)

👉 (Important Questions)

👉 (MCQ) Video

👉 (MCQ) Written Test

👉 (पठित काव्यांश)

👉 (काव्य-सौंदर्य / शिल्प-सौंदर्य)

10. छोटा मेरा खेत, बगुलों के पंख 12th

👉 (Line by Line Explanation) Video छोटा मेरा खेत

👉 (Line by Line Explanation) Video बगुलों के पंख

👉 (Line by Line Explanation) Written

👉 (Exercise Questions)

👉 (Important Questions)

👉 (MCQ) Video Soon

👉 (MCQ) Written Test

👉 (पठित काव्यांश)

👉 (काव्य-सौंदर्य / शिल्प-सौंदर्य)

 12th गद्य-खण्ड (आरोह-2) 

11. भक्तिन 12th

👉 (Summary with Animation)

👉 (Line by Line Explanation) Video

👉 (Exercise Questions)

👉 (Important Questions)

👉 (MCQ) Video

👉 (MCQ) Written Test

👉 (पठित गद्यांश)

12. बाजार दर्शन 12th

👉 (Line by Line Explanation) Video

👉 (Exercise Questions)

👉 (Important Questions)

👉 (MCQ) Video

👉 (MCQ) Written Test

👉 (पठित गद्यांश)

13. काले मेघा पानी दे 12th

👉 (Line by Line Explanation) Video

👉 (Exercise Questions)

👉 (Important Questions)

👉 (MCQ) Video

👉 (MCQ) Written Test

👉 (पठित गद्यांश)

14. पहलवान की ढोलक 12th

👉 (Summary with Animation)

👉 (Line by Line Explanation) Video

👉 (Exercise Questions)

👉 (Important Questions)

👉 (MCQ) Video

👉 (MCQ) Written Test

👉 (पठित गद्यांश)

आपकी स्टडी से संबंधित और क्या चाहते हो? ... कमेंट करना मत भूलना...!!!

17. शिरीष के फूल 12th

👉 (Line by Line Explanation) Video

👉 (Exercise Questions)

👉 (Important Questions)

👉 (MCQ) Video

👉 (MCQ) Written Test

👉 (पठित गद्यांश)

18. श्रम-विभाजन और जाति-प्रथा 12th

👉 (Line by Line Explanation) Video

👉 (Exercise Questions)

👉 (Important Questions)

👉 (MCQ) Video

👉 (MCQ) Written Test

👉 (पठित गद्यांश)

 वितान -2 

1. सिल्वर वेडिंग 12th

👉 (Summary with Animation)

👉 (Line by Line Explanation) Video

👉 (Exercise Questions)

👉 (Important Questions)

👉 (MCQ) Video

👉 (MCQ) Written Test

2. जूझ 12th

👉 (Line by Line Explanation) Video

👉 (Exercise Questions)

👉 (Important Questions)

👉 (MCQ) Video

👉 (MCQ) Written Test

3. अतीत में दबे पाँव 12th

👉 (Summary with Animation)

👉 (Line by Line Explanation) Video

👉 (Exercise Questions)

👉 (Important Questions)

👉 (MCQ) Video

👉 (MCQ) Written Test

 अभिव्यक्ति और माध्यम (Class 12th) 

3. विभिन्न माध्यमों के लिए लेखन 12th

👉 (Line by Line Explanation)

👉 (Exercise Questions)

👉 (Important Questions)

👉 (MCQ) Video

👉 (MCQ) Written Test

4. पत्रकारीय लेखन के विभिन्न रूप और लेखन प्रक्रिया 12th

👉 (Summary with Animation)

👉 (Line by Line Explanation)

👉 (Exercise Questions)

👉 (Important Questions)

👉 (MCQ) Video

👉 (MCQ) Written Test

5. विशेष लेखन-स्वरूप और प्रकार 12th

👉 (Line by Line Explanation)

👉 (Exercise Questions)

👉 (Important Questions)

👉 (MCQ) Video

👉 (MCQ) Written Test

11. कैसे करें कहानी का नाट्य रूपांतरण 12th

👉 (Summary with Animation)

👉 (Line by Line Explanation)

👉 (Exercise Questions)

👉 (Important Questions)

👉 (MCQ) Video Soon

👉 (MCQ) Written Test

12. कैसे बनता है रेडियो नाटक 12th

👉 (Line by Line Explanation)

👉 (Exercise Questions)

👉 (Important Questions)

👉 (MCQ) Video Soon

👉 (MCQ) Written Test

13. नए और अप्रत्याशित विषयों पर लेखन 12th

👉 (Line by Line Explanation)

👉 (Exercise Questions)

👉 (Important Questions)

👉 (MCQ) Video Soon

👉 (MCQ) Written Test

फीचर-लेखन और आलेख-लेखन

👉 (Easy Explanation) Video

👉 फीचर-लेखन और आलेख-लेखन के उदाहरण (for 11th & 12th)

 Hindi Reading Portion 

👉 अपठित गद्यांश / काव्यांश (Video)

👉 अपठित गद्यांश (for Practice)

👉 अपठित काव्यांश (for Practice)

 Hindi Writing Portion 

अनुच्छेद लेखन

👉 Video for Clear Concept

👉 उदाहरण (for Practice)

 Other Content for 12th 

👉 Last Minutes Tips 

👉 Hindi Strong Kaise Kare

👉 Important Video for 11th &12th

👉 Hindi Handwriting कैसे सुधारे

👉 100/100 नम्बर वाली कॉपी

👉 Roadmap of Hindi

👉 Hindi के ये 5 Exam Hack

👉 Revision Kaise Kare

👉 Sample Paper Class 12 2024-25 CBSE Hindi 

👉 हिंदी में 100 / 100 Easily

👉 Last Minute Tips for Hindi Exam

👉 अभी तक कुछ नहीं पढ़ा?

👉 उत्तर कैसे लिखते हैं

👉 Exam Hacks and Tricks

👉 बाहुबली Tips for Board Exam

👉 How to Avoid Spelling Mistakes in Hindi Subject

👉 Strategy for Hindi / How to Get 95+ Marks

👉 MCQ Tricks

👉 (काव्य-सौंदर्य / शिल्प-सौंदर्य) Video

आपकी स्टडी से संबंधित और क्या चाहते हो? ... कमेंट करना मत भूलना...!!!

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If you have any doubts, Please let me know

  1. Sir kya jivan Parichay se questions aayege kya term 1 mein

  2. Sir bhut bhut thank you term 1 ki sari chize ek jgh dene k liye 🙏🙏

  3. Abhivyakti madhyam ke kuch im
    Important question krwaiye sir pls
    धन्यवाद गुरु जी

    1. Sir ur web site contains inappropriate advertisements which might be irrelevent for students. please change that prefrance.

  4. Sir Sare Topics Ek jagah dene ke liye Dhanyawad

  5. Thankyou sir jiiiiii aapka student aapke sath online class mai padhta th

  6. Sir ke apke videos se abhiyakti aur madhyam pada ab uske sir imp questions yad kar and i hope usme se hi bethe paper me are u sure sir

  7. This page is very helpful thank you sir

  8. Thank you so much sir 🙏🙏

  9. Very nice page 👍👍👍👍

    1. Wah bhai yaha bi🤣👍👍

  10. Thanks sir 😍😍🤩🤩

  11. thank u sooo much sir ji
    bhagwan aappko sada khush rakhe :)

  12. Thank you so much sir 😊💕

  13. sir pura content dala kariye na natak lekhan ka vyakaran nhi h

  14. hum aapka tahey dil sy dhanyavad kartey hai mahodya🙏🏻

  15. Sir isme glt link provide hai ek chapter maine khola tha shayad shram vibhajan wala usme bajar darshan khul gya please check your server sir

  16. Thanks for this informative blog. Please keep sharing such content. To know more about board exam 2022-23 please read our blog

  17. Replies
    1. Kisine ne aapke pita ji ke baare me nhi pucha

  18. Hindi kon padhta h

    1. Toh Bhai jab hindi koi nahi padhta h toh tu yaha kya krne aaya h😂😂

  19. Koi aur kam kiya karo hindi adhyapak

  20. 🖕🖕 for you🤣🤣

    1. Guys here in the above statement "you = his mother" (To whom I am replying)

  21. Galti se site pe aagya ab nhi aaunga
    Aur nahi koi aur aayega

    1. Tera baap toh aaya hai dekh🤣

  22. Thank you for sharing such content. Please keep sharing. For NEET 2023

  23. sir u helped me a lot😊

  24. Sir it helped a lot.

  25. 1,2&9,10 chapter kha hai abhivyakti aur madhyam ka

  26. Thanku for sharing these ....... Are very grateful to you......May your channel soon have 1 million .....❤️

  27. बहुत बहुत धन्यवाद मासटर जी 🙏🏼❤

  28. Sir your teaching. Method is wonderful

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  31. Very very nice explanation sir 👍. Sir mjhe bhut help mil rhe h . Sir please ap sare chapters k explanation or extra question v karaey Sir.. isse mjhe bhut help milegi practice karne me . Or possible ho to please iske pdf v share kr denge to aur v acha hoga

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  36. Hlo sir ji isme antra or antral ke vyakha or mcq ye sab nahi mil rahe class 12 ke cbse board tap kar rahi hu to bhi aroh or vitan ke chapters a rahe he

  37. Thank you sir very much. I like the way you teach us.

  38. Sir ji kon se lesson main h

  39. sir board 2024 ka syllabus bta do grammer ka

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  41. Rishabh singh rajput love from UP ( Vrindavan)18 February 2024 at 09:14

    Thankyou so much sir agr m ladki hota to m apko hi sabse pahle I LOVE YOU bolta 😅

  42. Sir answer key aai nhi 2/5/1set 1 ka 12th core

  43. Sir,please upload videos for session 2024-25 for Hindi 🙏🙏🙏!

  44. Thank you ☺️ sir

  45. Thank you sir cbse ke privious year questions repeat hone wale jaruri questions bhi esme dal dijiye

  46. Thankyou sir aap se padhkar achaa lagta hai aur aapse padhne mein maja bhi aata hai mujhe achha lagta hai jab aap ye sab free mein hamare liye itna kuch krte ho love you sir 🙂❤️❤️

  47. Thank sir for your great support

  48. Hello sir all in one channel and blog for Hindi hai thank you sir

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