Childhood Class 11 MCQ Questions with Answers English Chapter 7
1. Why do adults talk and preach of love but do not act lovingly?
2. After what age did the poet realise that he had lost his childhood?
3. What is the most important thing about being an adult?
4. Where could he see his childhood now?
5. Why are the adults not what they seem to be?
6. What type of Rhyme Scheme is used in the poem ‘Childhood’?
7. What did the poet realise about his mind when he lost his childhood?
8. What did the poet conclude about his lost childhood at the end of the poem?
9. Why are the adults not what they seem to be?
10. What did the poet realise about adults?
11. What is the opposite of the word ‘hidden’?
12. What did the poet find out about Hell and Heaven?
13. What is the poem ‘Childhood’ about?
14. What did the poet sense about himself when he realised he could use his own mind the way he wants?
15. Why do adults talk and preach of love but do not act lovingly?
16. Antithesis is where two opposite words are used together in a sentence in a poem, where did the poet use it?
17. What did the poet sense about himself when he realised he could use his own mind the way he wants?
18. What is the opposite of the word ‘hidden’?
19. Who is the poet of the poem ‘Childhood’?
20. Where could he see his childhood now?
21. What did the poet realise about his mind when he lost his childhood?
22. What did the poet realise about adults?
23. What the poet could not find in the Geography book?
24. What is the poem ‘Childhood’ about?
25. What is the meaning of the word ‘ceased’?
26. Who is the poet of the poem ‘Childhood’?
27. What did the poet realise about adults?
28. What refrain literary device is used in the poem ‘Childhood’?
29. What is the opposite of the word ‘hidden’?
30. What did the poet find out about Hell and Heaven?
31. According to the poet, adults are _
32. What did the poet sense about himself when he realised he could use his own mind the way he wants?
33. What the poet could not find in the Geography book?
34. What is the difference between an adult and a child?
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