MCQ Questions for Class 10 Science Chapter 3 Metals and Non-metals with Answers


MCQ Questions for Class 10 Science Chapter 3 Metals and Non-metals with Answers

1. An element X is soft and can be cut with a knife. This is very reactive to air and cannot be kept open in air. It reacts vigorously with water. Identify the element from the following



2. Reaction between X and Y forms compound Z. X loses electron and Y gains electron. Which of the following properties is not shown by Z?

ANSWER= C. Conducts electricity in molten state


3. The electronic configurations of three ele¬ments X, Y and Z are X — 2, 8; Y — 2, 8, 7 and Z — 2, 8, 2. Which’of the following is correct?

ANSWER= C. Z is a non-metal


4. Amalgam is an alloy of

ANSWER= B. Mercury


5. Copper objects lose their shine and form green coating of

ANSWER= C. Basic Copper carbonate


6. The ability of metals to be drawn into thin wires is known as

ANSWER= A. ductility


7. Aluminium is used for making cooking utensils. Which of the following properties of aluminium are responsible for the same? (i) Good thermal conductivity (ii) Good electrical conductivity (iii) Ductility (iv) High melting point

ANSWER= D. (i) and (iv)


8. Due to its semiconductor properties the non-metal used in computer, T.V. etc. is

ANSWER= B. Silicon


9. What happens when calcium is treated with water? (i) It does not react with water. (ii) It reacts violently with water. (iii) It reacts less violently with water. (iv) Bubbles of hydrogen gas formed stick to the surface of calcium.

ANSWER= D. (iii) and (iv)


10. Generally metals react with acids to give salt and hydrogen gas. Which of the following acids does not give hydrogen gas on reacting with metals (except Mn and Mg)?



11. Which of the following metals are obtained by electrolysis of their chlorides in molten state? (i) Na (ii) Ca (iii) Fe (iv) Cu

ANSWER= D. (i) and (ii)


12. An alloy reacted with dilute hydrochloric acid to produce a gas which ‘pops’ a lighted splint. The residue reacted with dilute nitric acid to form a blue solution. Which one of the following pairs of metals is present in the alloy?

ANSWER= C. Copper and magnesium


13. Aluminium is used for making cooking uten¬sils. Which of the following properties of alu¬minium are responsible for the same? (i) Good thermal conductivity (ii) Good electrical conductivity (iii) Ductility (iv) High melting point

ANSWER= D. (i) and (iv)


14. The most abundant metal in the earth’s crust is

ANSWER= B. Aluminium


15. The poorest conductor of heat among metals is



Qu 16. Which property of metals is used for making bells and strings of musical instruments like Sitar and Violin?

ANSWER= A. Sonorousness


17. Al2O3 + 2NaOH → …… + H2O



18. Which of the following is the correct arrange-ment of the given metals in ascending order of their reactivity? Zinc, Iron, Magnesium, Sodium

ANSWER= D. Sodium > Magnesium > Zinc > Iron


19. Which of the following pairs will give dis-placement reactions?

ANSWER= B. AgNO3 solution and Copper metal


20. Non-metals form covalent chlorides because

ANSWER= B. they can share electrons with chlorine


21. Which of the following oxide(s) of iron would be obtained on prolonged reaction of iron with steam?



22. Which of tire following are not ionic compounds? (i) KCl (ii) HCl (iii) CCl4 (iv) NaCl

ANSWER= B. (ii) and (iii)


23. The electronic configuration of three elements X, Y and Z are as follows: X = 2, 4, Y = 2, 7, Z = 2,1 Which two elements will combine to form an ionic compound and write the correct formula,



24. The highly reactive metals like Sodium, Potas-sium, Magnesium, etc. are extracted by the

ANSWER= A. electrolysis of their molten chloride


25. Which of the following non-metal is lustrous?

ANSWER= D. Iodine


26. Example of an amphoteric oxide is:



27. Which one among the following is an acidic oxide?



28. The atomic number of an element ‘X’ is 12. Which inert gas is nearest to X?



29. Galvanisation is a method of protecting iron from rudftng by coating with a thin layer of



30. The process in which a carbonate ore is heated strongly in the absence of air to convert it into metal oxide is called

ANSWER= C. Calcination


31. Oxides of moderately reactive metals like Zinc, Iron, Nickel, Tin, Copper etc. are reduced by using

ANSWER= C. Carbon as reducing agent


32. In thermite welding a mixture of …… and …… is ignited with a burning magnesium ribbon which produces molten iron metal as large amount of heat is evolved.

ANSWER= A. iron (III) oxide and aluminium powder


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