Mijbil the Otter Class 10 MCQ Questions with Answers English Chapter – 6


Mijbil the Otter Class 10 MCQ Questions with Answers English Chapter – 6

1. How would Mij follow the author?

ANSWER= C. Without a lead


2. When did the author travel?

ANSWER= B. New Year of 1956


3. How was Mij to be transported to England?

ANSWER= A. By packing in a box


4. In the Tigris marshes otters were as common as __.

ANSWER= D. mosquitoes


5. What were Mijbil’s favourite toys?

ANSWER= B. Marbles


6. When the auther saw the otter for the first time, it resembled a _

ANSWER= B. dragon


7. Why were Otters known as Maxwell Otters?

ANSWER= A. they were found by Maxwell


8. What guesses did the Londoners make about what Mij was?

ANSWER= D. All of the above


9. Maxwell called the _ “the very queen of her kind”.

ANSWER= A. airhostess


10. Why did the driver drive through the streets of Basra like a ricochetting bullet?

ANSWER= A. author was late for his flight


11. How did the airline wanted him to carry Mijbil?

ANSWER= B. In a box


12. What is wasted and provoking when left static? (according to the otter)

ANSWER= D. water


13. The otter was brought to the author by _.

ANSWER= B. two Arabs


14. What ‘experiment’ did Maxwell think Camusfearna would be suitable for?

ANSWER= B. to pet an otter


15. Early in the new year of 1956 Maxwell travelled to __

ANSWER= B. Southern Iraq


16. What group of animals does otters belongs to?

ANSWER= C. Mustellines


17. Why does Maxwell go to Basra?

ANSWER= C. torn the lining of box


18. What were Mij’s favourite toys?

ANSWER= B. Marbles


19. How did the otter spend most of his time?

ANSWER= B. New Year of 1956


20. What did the otter look like?

ANSWER= B. Small dragon


21. What had trickled out of the box?

ANSWER= B. blood


22. What did the woman in the aeroplane think that the otter was?

ANSWER= C. a rat


23. What was the name given to the otter?

ANSWER= B. Mijbil


24. Where did the Arabs keep the otter?

ANSWER= C. in a sack


25. What kept Mij engaged when they shifted to London?

ANSWER= A. Ping-pong game


26. What do you mean by “compulsive habits”?

ANSWER= D. habits impossible to control


27. What did Mij do to the box?

ANSWER= B. tore the lining of the box


28. What is the meaning of “an appalling spectacle”?

ANSWER= D. a shocking scene


29. In the beginning, the Otter was ___.

ANSWER= C. aloof and indifferent


30. What is the meaning of apathy?

ANSWER= A. absence of interest


31. How many days later did the author’s mail arrive?



32. Where does the author live?

ANSWER= A. London


33. Who is the author of “Mijbil the Otter”?

ANSWER= A. Gavin Maxwell


34. How does Maxwell get the otter?

ANSWER= D. by his friend


35. What did Mijbil do during the second night?

ANSWER= A. Came on to Maxwell’s bed soon after midnight.


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