Silk Road Class 11 MCQ Questions with Answers English Chapter 9


Silk Road Class 11 MCQ Questions with Answers English Chapter 9


1. Where was the protagonist heading towards in the beginning of the chapter?

ANSWER= A. Mount Kailash


2. Did the two of them – the protagonist and Norbu go to do Kora together?



3. Why did Norbu want to do Kora?

ANSWER= D. because he was writing an academic paper on KailashKora


4. What is Kora?

ANSWER= D. meditation performed by Buddhist believers


5. What happened when they reached Darchen at night to stay in the guest House?

ANSWER= D. protagonist wasn’t able to breathe properly


6. At which place did the protagonist wait for Tsetan while he was gone to fix the punctured tyres?

ANSWER= D. Hor’s cafe


7. Who are Drokbas?

ANSWER= D. cuisine


8. What are the names of four rivers that Lake Mansarovar consists of?

ANSWER= C. the Indus, the Ganges, the Sutlej, and the Brahmaputra


9. Why was Hor an ugly and miserable place?

ANSWER= B. it had no vegetation


10. Why did the driver take a short cut to Changtang?

ANSWER= B. he knew the shortest route towards Mount Kailash


11. What was an old route from Lhasa to Kashmir?

ANSWER= A. east-west highway


12. Where did they stop to have lunch at two o’clock?

ANSWER= A. at a long canvas tent beside the dry salt lake


13. Why did Norbu want to do Kora?

ANSWER= D. because he was writing an academic paper on KailashKora


14. Where did the protagonist meet Norbu?

ANSWER= A. at cafe


15. Where did the men play a game of pool in Darchen every afternoon?

ANSWER= A. near general store in open air


16. Where did Tsetan take the protagonist to seek medical help?

ANSWER= A. Darchen Medical College


17. At which place did the protagonist wait for Tsetan while he was gone to fix the punctured tyres?

ANSWER= D. Hor’s cafe


18. Why was Hor an ugly and miserable place?

ANSWER= B. it had no vegetation


19. Where did they stop to have lunch at two o’clock?

ANSWER= A. at a long canvas tent beside the dry salt lake


20. At what sea level were the three of them when they saw the snow on the road?

ANSWER= A. 5210 meters


21. Why did the driver stop the car at a sharp turn?

ANSWER= D. long track of snow was in front of them


22. How were the Tibetan Mastiffs famous in China’s royal court?

ANSWER= A. As hunting dogs


23. What did the protagonist notice in front of nomads tent?

ANSWER= A. Big black Tibetan dogs


24. What is the meaning of ‘Kyang’?

ANSWER= C. huge pile of dust


25. What did the Tibetan doctor give him?

ANSWER= A. a five day course medicine in a brown envelope


26. Where did Tsetan take the protagonist to seek medical help?

ANSWER= A. Darchen Medical College


27. What did Lhamo give to the protagonist as a farewell gift?

ANSWER= A. long sleeved sheepskined coat


28. Why was the protagonist facing communication problems in Darchen?

ANSWER= C. as no one knew English


29. Where did the men play a game of pool in Darchen every afternoon?

ANSWER= A. near general store in open air


30. What was the sky looking like due to the sun rays spreading on the mountain tops?

ANSWER= B. rose – tinted blush


31. Where did Norbu work?

ANSWER= B. Beijing at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences


32. Where did the protagonist meet Norbu?

ANSWER= A. at cafe


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