Nelson Mandela Long Walk to Freedom Class 10 MCQ Questions with Answers English Chapter 2
1.How does Nelson MAndelA defIne the meAnIng of courAge?
2.WhatwasIt that the nAtIon needed to be lIberAted from?
3.Why do you thInk the speAker mentIons some freedoms As ‘trAnsItory’?
4.What chAnge brought InterNAtIonAl leAders to South AfrIcA?
5. PIck the optIon that showcAses the usAge of ‘host’ AsIn the extrAct.
6.How many deputy presIdents were elected?
7. It Is A vIctory for ‘humAn dIgnIty’. PIck the optIon that lIsts the correct Answer for What ‘humAn dIgnIty’ would Include.
8.When was the InAugurAtIon dAy?
9.Why does the speaker say thatIt Is A ‘rare prIvIlege’? He says thIs As they have
10.The guests At the spectAculAr ceremony Are beIng cAlled dIstInguIshed becausethey
11. What reAlIsAtIons dId MAndelAhave of hIs boyhood freedom?
12. Why were two NAtIonAlAnthems sung?
13. What dId MAndelA leArn About courAge?
14.What unIntended effect dId the decAdes of oppressIon And brutAlIty had?
15. WhatwasIt that the nAtIon needed to be lIberAted from?
16. What chAnge brought InterNAtIonAl leAders to South AfrIcA?
17. How many deputy presIdents were elected?
18.How does Nelson Mandela defIne the meanIng of courage?
19.Where dId ceremonIes takeplace?
20.WhIch flamecan be hIdden but never extInguIshed?
21. What Is a country’s greatest wealth?
22. What does depths of oppressIon create?
23. Who, accordIng to MandelaIs not free?
24. WhIch party dId Mandela joIn?
25.WhIch party dId Mandela joIn?
26.Who, AccordIng to MandelaIs not free?
27. What realIsatIons dId Mandelahave of hIs boyhood freedom?
28. What does depths of oppressIon create?
29. Why were two NatIonalAnthems sung?
30. What Is a country’s greatest wealth?
31. What dId Mandela learn about courage?
32. WhIch day was the largest gatherIng of InterNatIonal leaders on South AfrIcan soIl for the InstallatIon of South AfrIca’s fIrst democratIc, non-racIal government?
33. What unIntended effect dId the decades of oppressIon And brutalIty had?
34. WhIch flamecan be hIdden but never extInguIshed?
35. “The structure they creAted formed the bAsIs of one of the hArshest, most InhumAne, socIetIes the world has ever known.” What structure Is MAndelA tAlkIng About?
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